I sure hope this game was a sign of the Pats demise. Wishful

-I liked that Manning took the underneath routes that he's always had against the Patriots (but usually passed up for riskier deep routes) and was patient. Other than the first series bomb that worked, the longer pass plays were successful after the Colts had set the Pats up perfectly. James wasn't great tonight but he was consistent enough to keep New England honest. This game was probably a let-down for many who had anticipated a closer score but for a Patriot hater it was right up my alley. I want no part of Tom Brady in the 4th quarter and a tight game. I'm kinda chicken that way.
- By the way are there two bigger geeks in the league than Peyton Manning and Bill Belichick? I just watched post-game interviews with both and believe me, if these guys are not in sports, there's not a chance in hell they are scoring a date with the ladies. Belichick just creeps you

Back to Sunday's games:
San Diego seems like they should be one of the better teams in the league. If that's true why

-For the Jets it should be obvious by now that Vinny is not saving their season. I think it was a good move to sign him--but only to give depth to the backup position. Bollinger ought to be playing even if he plays horrible. Which he will. But at least he'll play horrible with a bit more scrappiness.
I think the Falcons are for real. Pretenders usually lose games like this. I love that Vick is upset that enough people (raised hand here) don't give him enough credit for his passing skills. He's going to need that chip on his shoulder to put together a few more days like the one he had against the Fish. Because unless he does it on a consistent basis he's going to keep hearing the jabs about his throwing skills. Speaking of their passing game, the Falcons tight end, Crumpler,

-Also I heard one of the tv guys say that Falcon's coach Jim Mora had given up that great pre-game ritual of taking a whiff of the smelling salts with his players. He didn't want to give kids the wrong idea. This got me to thinking. Does Jim pull this ritual out at home before important activities? --- "honey, I'm feeling frisky tonight....where's the smelling salts?"
--What can I say about Miami. I like their team, I really do. Decent defense, some nice options on offense, a coach with a cool name....If only they could trade for Brett Favre....wait T.O. already called "dibs" on that didn't he?
I'll join in on the love parade for Vermeil's decision to give the ball to Larry Johnson at the end of the game. I know Schottenheimer, Herm Edwards, and a few other frugal coaches would not have had the guts to make this call.
I turned the channel to this game only once. Joey Harrington was in the process of underthrowing a receiver by 4 yards. The receiver was a only doing a 10 yard route. Nice to see things don't change in Detroit.

-I never thought after last season that Brad Johnson playing QB for the Vikings again would be a good thing. Even had Culpepper not gotten hurt I'm not sure he would have turned his season around. He seems to play well only on even-numbered years.
It doesn't say much for your team when your best player for the season is your kicker. Neil Rackers is 26/26 on field goals. Nice leg. Warner is still auditioning for a part in that little comedy called "washed up and I haven't realized it yet". Mcown should be starting every game from now on so they can evaluate whether they should go after a QB in the draft, trade, or free agency when the season mercifully ends for them.

Fred Taylor's career is a big "what if". I feel bad for the guy. He just can't stay healthy. When he has his legs he's a top-tier running back. - The Jags need a little more consistency. Their defense is good and they play hard but hardly ever look great doing it. Then again the Ravens won a Super Bowl in 2000 with the same formula.
Speaking of the Ravens...
Baltimore is happy to have Kyle Boller back next week. Cue the confetti. That tells you a lot about their season doesn't it?
Here's something that should make Cincinnati fans feel good about the future for their team. They are beating bad teams. Not all talented teams do this. They have had a decent team the past couple of years, but they lost quite a few games to teams that weren't very good. They are a year away from seriously threatening for the AFC crown but this is a team on the rise.
Everyone is harping on the Giants for not looking good against San Fran. Washington looked like

-Besides, other than getting shalacked against the Eagles and Skins, San Francisco has played teams pretty tough. They aren't laying down like some other teams with their level of talent.
Reuben Droughns got into some trouble with the law and then gave some trouble to the Titans (116 yards). Nice game but it's hard to feel good for a guy that just got a DUI. After all, that could be you and your family someday on the other side of the road. He seems like a nice guy though and hopefully won't repeat his mistake. Everyone needs a second chance (sit down T.O. supporters, I said second not 17th).
Don't look now but the Bears are running away with their division. And children shield your eyes, Aaron Brooks is in the building.
I thought the Pack would have a chance in this one without Bettis and Roethlisberger playing for Pittsburgh. -- I'm guessing even with a tough season so far, Brett Favre's not home thinking "we would be undefeated if we only had Terrell Owens."
I think a banged up McNabb is the difference for the Eagles this year. They've been exposed in some other areas but Donovan just doesn't look very healthy or very good.
The Panthers have got some nice headliners in their organization. Steve Smith and his continual

--Where did the Buc's running back Cadillac Williams disappear to? I know he's already had injury problems but either that line isn't opening up holes anymore or he's still hurting. He's got too many moves and too much speed to be bottled up the way he has been. I tell you what

Wait a second...you're a Rams fan? I don't know if we can be blog-friends anymore...unless we beat you this week.
"We would be undefeated if we only had Terrell Owens."
Re: Pats/Colts... I'm convinced the reason the Pats didn't look so hot against the passing game wasn't because Manning took the underneath routes; it's because they spent the first eight weeks of the season setting up this game. They didn't reveal ANYTHING, going ultra-vanilla in those games. I mean, I was at the Niners game, and SF kept it close into the third quarter even though they were clearly outclassed. That one ended only 28-3. In this game, the weather was fine and a close analysis of the plays would probably show that they broke out a crapload of looks they hadn't used all year.
Maybe the formations were a bit different, I don't know. But I've watched every Colts game this year and the formula for previous games was pretty true to what they did to the Patriots. Run Edgerrin and hit short to intermediate routes (with a couple of longer ones thrown in). It'll be interesting to see what gameplans both coaches employ if they meet in the playoffs.
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